Saturday 26 January 2013

A perishing beautiful art!! where is it now???

It’s the era of computers.. Where has gone the beautiful hand writing??? Everywhere people type to convey their statuses and of course a video call which has made the world very small.. It’s just the school going children who use their pens and pencils.. A recent research study which I came across says that a person’s handwriting depicts his nature or the state of mind or even his character..In my childhood I have admired my sister’s handwriting which will be soo beautiful. But I believe one who concentrates or involves himself completely in the writing will definitely pay much interest to his hand writing. I remember my childhood where I felt handwriting as just for beauty. Not all children have a good handwriting. As the age goes even I realized and felt a change in my hand writing. My maturity in thoughts was expressed in my handwriting. But I see so many elders around their 50’s have still maintained their handwriting inspite of their age, trembling hands. Seriously it shows that they are perfectionists.
Nowadays writing merely means typing. Don’t let an artist in you to die!! 


  1. nice :) thesee days technologies hav killed everythin

  2. Totally agreeing with you, Hema on this..

    For most, Once they formally complete their education the need to use a pen and paper becomes minimal, often restricted to putting a signature or a few lines of text here and there, unless their profession demands otherwise. For the younger lot in the software industry even this minimal need hardly arises. I personally have not used my pen for anything more than a signature in the past few months. If the Law of use and disuse applies to this, then I am afraid I might even forget how to hold a pen and write. For a guy who could churn out pages of written text at incredible speeds during his University or school days, this certainly is not a welcomed progress. But who cares, The University did not ask me to write just because they thought my handwriting was better than the rest, I had to write because that was the only means available then, Now that I have other options to go about my business in a more effective way, why go back to paper. So If I don’t have a need to write, but practise writing just because I do not want to lose my skill at it, Then writing for sure has becoming a dying art. Even people who live by their pen like Authors and Journalist use modern gadgets as they are more friendly and efficient. I wonder if our future generation would even be exposed to a thing called a pen, with technology growing by leaps and bounds, pervading even the class rooms of tiny tots, the 'pen and paper' might become to them as 'slate and chalk' was to us, just to practise alphabets and do away with it.
    So Unlike the previous generation which is more comfortable using a pen over other modern gadgets and might even stick to it till the end, a significant section of young India that is exposed to a decent education chooses other means. Who knows, they might even be indirectly saving trees ..wink.. Writing no longer is a necessity but an art that can be held on to out of personal choice.

  3. Exactly. These are my thoughts too. To be frank, I completely forgot the way I held the pen during my University days. Its like I'm starting again. Its high time that I should get a four line note. Else it would be a huge embarrassment when someone ask me to write something in paper.

    Moreover, you can notice that previous generation people wouldn't leave their home without pen. Now pen has been replaced by so called smart phone (which made us dumb). Technology not only killing the art of writing but also the other forms of art.

  4. muthukaruppan.. i some how missed ur comment.. sorry..yes.. so amny things have become extinct like dinosaur.. we hav to take many more jurassic park movies to atleast recollect pen, pencil, cycle, slate.. :P
